Delta servo motor how to choose?
Published:2023-02-27 16:13:16
In the selection of Delta servo motor, in principle should be based on the load conditions to choose. There are two kinds of loads on the motor shaft, namely damping torque and inertia load. The two loads should be calculated correctly and their values should meet the following conditions:
1) During no-load operation of the machine tool, the torque loaded on Delta servo motor shaft should be within the range of continuously rated torque of the motor, that is, the continuous working area of the torque speed characteristic curve.
2)** large load torque, load period and overload time are within the allowable range of the provided characteristic curve.
3) The torque in the acceleration/deceleration process of the motor should be in the acceleration and deceleration zone (or intermittent working area).
4) For loads requiring frequent, braking and periodic changes, the root mean square value of torque within a cycle must be checked. Should be less than the continuous rated torque of the motor.
5) The loading inertia on Delta servo motor shaft will affect the sensitivity of the motor and the accuracy of the whole servo system. In general, when the load is less than the inertia of the motor rotor, the above effect is not significant. However, when the inertia of the load reaches or exceeds 5 times the inertia of the rotor, the sensitivity and response time are greatly affected. The servo amplifier does not even operate within its normal adjustment range. Therefore, this inertia should be avoided.
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