ABB robot program running speed slow repair steps
Published:2023-06-09 11:09:19
1, check whether the program contains logical instructions (or other instructions that "take no time" to execute), because such programs will cause execution loops when conditions are not met.
To avoid such loops, you can test by adding one or more WAIT instructions. Only a short WAIT time is applicable to avoid unnecessarily slowing down the program.
A good place to add a WAIT instruction is:
① In the main routine, it is best to approach the end.
② In the WHILE/FOR/GOTO loop, preferably at the end, close to the part of the instruction ENDWHILE/ENDFOR.
2. Ensure that the I/O update interval values for each I/O board are not too low (these values are changed using RobotStudio).
ABB robots recommend the following polling rates:
①DSQC 327A: 1000
②DSQC 328A: 1000
③DSQC 332A: 1000
④DSQC 377A: 20-40
⑤ All others: >100
3, check whether there is a large amount of cross-connection or I/O communication between the PLC and the ABB robot system.
4, try to edit the PLC program with event-driven instructions instead of using circular instructions.
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