
959698 reasons for failure of Siemens 3RW44 soft starter

Published:2023-02-17 16:38:25

3RW44 Soft starter 95,96,98 is a comprehensive fault, what causes it to operate?

95,96,98 reasons for failure of Siemens 3RW44 soft starter

95,96,98 is the normally open normally closed integrated fault contact with a common point, 95 is the common point, 95/96 is the normally closed contact, 95/98 is the normally open contact. When a fault occurs, it will cause contact action. For details about the faults that cause comprehensive fault actions, see "Diagnosis and Status Information" in the system manual. Please note that this contact only operates in the case of failure, warning does not operate.

Give the 3RW44 soft starter stop signal, will the fan stop immediately?

A9:3RW44 Soft fan is powered from the control power supply. When the soft starter is given a starting signal, the fan starts to run. When the soft starter is given a stop signal, the fan will not stop immediately, but will run for a period of time (about ten minutes).
